Sunday, 19 October 2008

Heinz baked beans...

We were given the challange of coming up with a advert for Heinz baked beans. At first I had no clues where to begin anf had no ideas how I would even attempt to sell the product. But after some thought I began to decided on a target audience. I thought that because the product isnt really specific to one type of person (eg. a certain sex, culture, age etc.) I would have to make the target adience rather large.

This then started to make me think about what approach I would take, what kind of selling point. And after looking at previous heinz adverts :

They all were slightly humerous. From this I knew I needed to make mine similar. After brainstorming a few ideas I came up with this final result. I posted it on the VLE but thought I would put it here too....
I experimented with the colours but found that having the main of it in black and white and only a few bits in colour were very effective. The bits that were in colour were really emphasised and the characture looks very simple and not complicated. The advert doesnt require alot of thought by the consumer which also makes it very effective. Having the can in the corner you are able to see the Heinz label, this is instant audience recognition which is useful as a selling point.

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