Sunday, 19 October 2008

Maybelline adverts and codes & conventions...

After picking the brand for our product I was able to look at the adverts that have already been done for their products. Here are some I found:

This advert uses a lot of close up shots of the lips, this makes them seem very sexy and seductive. They use the 'list of three' approach making the product seem fantastic and they also give instruction into how to put the lipstick on. This is slightly different to other adverts for lipsticks as you would normally assume that someone could put a lipstick on. This would suggest that the product is unique and better!

This advert was an older one from 1984. They have used a woman and once again showed her as very sexy and allering. The parrellel non digetic music they play reinforces the calm feel of the advert as if the lady is at one with nature. This would suggest a natural beauty.

Once again the woman in this advert appear very confident and sexy. The lipstick appears to boost there femininity. This has been consistant throughout all three. Showing that one of the codes and conventions for these lipsticks ads is using woman as a sexual object to promote the lipsticks, many brands use this technique. Also I have noticed that they are quite serious throughout the ads, not much hummour is used.
These are things we will need to note when coming up with our own advert ideas!

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